Federation of European Social Employers

The Federation of European Social Employers represents the voice of employers in the field of social services at the European level and is identified by Eurofound as the most significant employer’s representative in the private sector part of social services. Social Employers understand social services to comprise all care and support services, including for older persons, persons with disabilities, children, and other excluded or disadvantaged persons. The Federation’s objectives are to strengthen the position of employers in social services at the European and national levels, establish common positions between members, and negotiate with European Trade Union Associations, representing workers in social services. By doing so, the Social Employers contribute to quality service provision and quality jobs. The Social Employers currently have 29 members from 18 countries. Together, the member organizations employ well over 2 million people. The Federation is run by a secretariat based in Brussels, employing one full-time employee, one part-time employee, and one unpaid staff on a part-time basis.
Link to the website: https://socialemployers.eu/