Asociace poskytovatelů sociálních služeb České republiky, z. S

The Association of Social Services Providers Czech Republic (APSS ČR) was founded in 1991. It is the largest professional organization that associates social care providers in the Czech Republic – over 1200 organizations (2688 registered social services): residential and daily care homes for the elderly, for people with disabilities and special needs, homeless shelters, services for addicted people, daily centers for children and youth, etc. Its main objective is the development and improvement of the quality of social services. APSS ČR represents and defends the interests of its members, mediates and spreads abroad scientific and research knowledge into social care providers' activities, and passes home and foreign experiences to educate and inform. APSS ČR provides legal services and organizes national and international congresses, professional conferences, educational programs, and campaigns. APSS ČR realized in the last 10 years up to 20 national and international projects with 10 European countries. APSS ČR publishes professional literature and specialized magazine “Sociální služby” (Social services). Currently, APSS ČR has 19 permanent employees and more than 90 external lecturers and other staff. APSS ČR is also the biggest Educational Institution in the country. It is a member of the European Ageing Network (EAN), European Social Network (ESN), Federation of European Social Employers, and European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless (FEANTSA).
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